Friday, November 27, 2009

Go Problem books

What books do you recommend for me AND WHY? I am between 4-1k on KGS. I looking to spend $50 or less. Please explain why it is good and what it did for you particularly?  I just used the problem database on Many Faces of Go v.11. I want something for when I'm on the bus or at school. I want something challenging, yet something I can solve without TOO MUCH trouble...

The new Kiseido "Graded Go Problems for Dan Players" books. They would go from just below your level to just above. I have the Japanese originals for these books and they are fine, very well chosen problems.

Also, The Segoe tesuji dictionary is very good, but I'm not sure it meets your criteria of being solvable without too much trouble. I own the Chinese version but you don't have to worry about a language barrier. Yutopian sends a sheet with the essential character definitions. You might want to look into 1001 Life & Death Problems or Get Strong at Tesuji. There are plenty of problems to solve and they're great for studying on the go. I used both of those books when I took the light rail to work every day. I'm not sure I'd get very far on the Segoe dictionary while riding a crowded train with lots of noise around me.

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